Guest lecture: Development and implications of automated vehicles (TU Delft Transport Institute 21th May, lecture hall G, CiTG)

Next Thursday, May 21 Maaike Snelder and I will give a presentation about the development and implications of automated vehicles, during the Transport Thursday at the faculty of CiTG. Here is a brief description of the lecture and more info about registration. See you there...!
Automated driving is a hot topic worldwide associated with many uncertainties though. When will the first fully automated vehicle hit the market and what will be the subsequent implications for our cities and transport systems? Will there be more or less congestion, will we drive longer or shorter distances, are we going to own or share cars? This lecture will address this type of questions in an interactive way… so please do not forget to bring your phone or laptop with you!

We invite you to attend this guest lecture from 12.30h – 13.30h in CiTG lecture hall G (lunch is included). If you know others who might be interested, please feel free to invite them as well.

Please register at transport(at)

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