Worthwhile travel time: a conceptual framework of the perceived value of enjoyment, productivity and fitness while travelling

Assessment of transport investments relies primarily on travel time savings and monetary values. The subjective travel experience of the traveller is rarely accounted for.
Our new paper in Transport Reviews introduces the conceptual framework of worthwhile travel time that is grounded on the traveller’s perception of three forms of value emerging from existing literature: enjoyment, productivity, and health.
Our conceptual framework suggests that experience factors (i.e. travel conditions as experienced by the traveller) can enable travel activities (i.e. the trip itself or activities on-the move), which in turn unlock the values of enjoyment, productivity and fitness that influence the perceived worthwhileness of a trip to a different degree each.
Initial evidence suggests that bicycle, walking, train travellers and car passengers experience the highest levels of travel time worthwhileness. Car drivers, users of other forms of public transport (e.g. subway, local bus) and plane passengers experience the lowest travel time worthwhileness.

Great collaboration with Yannick Cornet, Giuseppe Lugano, Christina Georgouli. 

Paper available open acces here.


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